Proposals for Action: Developing Course Milestones

The following is intended as a starting point to provide students and staff with clear milestones to keep track of progress. Your milestones should be relevant to your field and programme: adapt the table below in line with your course requirements to indicate the expected milestones for each year, filling each box accordingly and including completion dates. Projects can take many different forms and this table only aims to provide an indication of progress. After completion, share it with students and supervisors as part of the course regulations, or discuss it in supervision meetings as you support students in developing their project plans. 


Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4 / beyond Y3
Institutional requirements

(Annual Review, progress reports, etc)

Milestones and expected completion date
Creative Practice
Forms of writing
Synthesis & Integration


Potential Milestones:

YEAR 1  
  • Discussion of research question, methodological approaches and integration of theory and practice proposing a specific approach by the end of Year 1
  • Outline of plans for development of practice including budget and resources in consultation with the supervisory team 
  • Submission of one thesis chapter between 5–7.000 words such as Review of the Literature or Introduction Chapter
  • Development of initial practice experiments as appropriate
  • Completion of ethics application as appropriate and obtaining approval before Year 2
  • Completion of required courses / doctoral training programme
  • Annual Review, which may include report of progress, workplans, and a presentation of work as per course requirements
  • Submission of thesis structure with outline of chapter purpose and targeted word count 
  • Second thesis chapter
  • Exploration of strategies for integrating creative practice and writing
  • Development and completion of iterations of practice as appropriate in consultation with supervisory team
  • Initial writings on development of practice including descriptions of processes, methodological approaches, and potentially initial analysis 
  • Discussion of documentation protocols with supervisory team
  • Annual Review, which may include report of progress, update on workplans and other requirements as appropriate
  • Appointment of external examiner in consultation with the supervisor(s) and institution
  • Completion of artistic practice iterations
  • Completion of any remaining chapters and Conclusion Chapter
  • Completion of thesis draft integrating and synthesising the distinct project strands
  • Arrangement for external examiner to see / watch / experience finished or processual practice
  • Annual Review, which may include report of progress, plan for completion, and other requirements as appropriate

Year 4 / Beyond Year 3

  • Revisions of thesis draft fully integrating the distinct research components
  • Curation of the submission: prepare documentation of practice for submission in line with course requirements
  • Production and presentation of work to be experienced / seen / watched by the examination panel as appropriate
  • Submission.



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